Sunday, March 15, 2020

Why Branding Your Resume Produces a High ROI -

Why Branding Your Resume Produces a High ROI -It has been no secret in advertising and marketing for some time now that you need to know your target audience. And it really isnt any different in a job search. You need to know who you audience is, what their needs are, and how to communicate the benefits of what you offer.Last autumn I jumped head first into a huge conversion rate optimization project. I welches doing hours of research and work to figure out everything I could about Web site optimization and conversion rates. One of the most interesting points I discovered was about communicating to your audience the benefits that come with your service, product, etc., or how the person will benefit leid just selling the features.I was very intrigued by this notion and how applicable it is to resume development. As a job seeker, its so important to know your audience and to communicate to them the value and benefits an employer will receive from HIRING you. The benefits they get from hiring you are unlike hiring any other personyou are a rare commodity. I have news for youyou ARE the only person out there just like youIts critically important that your resume transparently articulates the BENEFITS you bring to the employerbecause THEY are unlike any other. The best way to do this is by branding your entire resume with ansicht benefitsnot just a short branding statement at the top. The remainder of your resume needs to support the branding statement and precisely detail the most pertinent benefits the employer can expect upon hiring you. Constructing your resume in this manner produces a clear picture for the hiring manager and makes it an easier decision for him or her to interview youthus securing you more interviews.You cant afford not to brand your resume, cover letter, or any other element of your job search. Partnering with a professional resume writer can secure interviews more quickly, decrease your job search time (and frustration), and save you lots of money (from lost time being unemployed or working for a lower salary). Find out the difference a professional resume can make today by visiting http//

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Fairygodboss Of The Week Judy Weaver

Fairygodboss Of The Week Judy Weaver This week, we salute Judy Weaver, the Co-Founder of Connected Warriors, Inc. She uses her years of corporate operational experience to bring yoga and other wellness programs to servicemembers across the globe. Weaver inspires individuals across the globe with her message of health and hope.Fairygodboss of the Week Judy WeaverCo-Founder, Connected Warriors, Inc.Fort Lauderdale, FLFGBTell us about your career. How did you get to where you are now?JW When my husband was stationed at Langley in Virginia, I started out working for a CPA/tax attorney learning the technical aspects of accounting, taxes, estate planning and small business operations. I took a controller ort with a small insurance company in Florida when he separated from the Air Force and within two years was promoted to VP Operations overseeing IT, accounting and general operations for five locations with over 200 employees.When I stopped working in the corporate world in 2001, I got cer tified to teach yoga in San Francisco and have continued to study with several master yoga teachers, physiologists, functional movement, doctors and other therapists I have become a teachers teacher and a yoga therapist. Utilizing my business/operations background, my love of research and passion for teaching and empowering my students I started Connected Warriors, Inc. a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation with a seestreitkraft Vietnam veteran, Ralph Iovino, in 2010 to provide worldwide Trauma-Conscious Yoga programs to servicemembers, veterans and their families at no cost to them.FGB What is an accomplishment that you are proud of?JWExpanding Connected Warriors, Inc. from one weekly class in south Florida to over 150 weekly classes in 24 states, Washington D.C. and seven countries.FGB What is a challenge that youve faced and overcome?JW A continual challenge is being taken seriously as a woman in this male-dominated demographic the military. We are being taken seriously now and hav e been able to contribute to the change in the Department of Defenses perspective and acceptance of our programs.FGBWhat is the 1 career tip youd like to share with other women who want to have successful careers like you?JW What do you do if you arent afraid?FGB Why do you love where you work? JW It is my passion and its wonderful to collaborate with those who choose to work in the non-profit space - because its not about money its about heart.FGB Who is YOUR Fairygodboss? Why? JW Jan Savarick. She is an advisor to Connected Warriors and she is doing this pro-bono because she believes in our mission. This woman has heart, passion and an incredible work ethic she has been one of the most successful fundraisers in the local area.FGB What do you do when youre not working?JWSpend time with friends and family, practice yoga, make jewelry, travel, scuba diving, reading, antiquing and exploring.FGB If you could have dinner with one famous person dead or alive who would it be?JW Dalai La ma.Lightning Round FGB What is your karaoke song?JWHello by Adele.FGB What is your favorite movie?JWFast Times at Ridgemont High.FGB What book would you take with you on a desert island?JWPower of One.FGB What is your shopping vice?What would you buy if you won the lottery?JWShopping vice shoes. Lottery 3 Cartier love diamond bracelets.Fairygodboss is all about women helping other women - so each week, we celebrate a woman who made a difference in another womans career. Is there a woman who has made a difference in your career?Celebrate her and thank herbynominating her here.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Why Everyone Is Talking About Resume Writing Checklist Example

Why Everyone Is Talking About Resume Writing Checklist Example Your key skills must be suitably exposed. More so, it will likewise depend on the kind of job you want to have and the industry where youd like to get involved in. Every job that youve ever had. The secret to a thriving job or graduate school search is to communicate with whoever has the capacity to hire or admit. Leadership isnt a position or title, its action and example. What you exclude is at least as vital as what you include. With a resume checklist, you can stay away from mistakes and give a prospective employer with the precise information they are binnenseeking, Rasmussen states. Developing a new checklist is an interesting and enjoyable approach to help or assist you in remembering goals or action program which should be accomplished. Understanding Resume Writing Checklist Example One has to be clear, as to which are the most typical mistakes that are created in creating a resume and the way they ma y be avoided. As soon as you have written and organized your information according to the kind of resume youve chosen, make aya to format it according to typical professional standards. Employing a template in creating your Resume Format can be helpful should you are in need of a guide concerning the essential content and the right format. Resume writing formats incorporate whole collection of categories of profession to pick the most suitable format. It is wise to have a very clear idea regarding what are the specifications of the photo that should be attached in your resume. Below are a few of the ideal catering event checklist examples and templates that you may find upon the web. For you to be guided, here is a catering permit checklist that could assist you. You may think such checklist as your basic inventory program and all you need to do is to check off the things that you have accomplished so that you wont be in a position to forget about completing it as you procee d through the remaining part of the things on your list. Second, from that first resume draw only the points related to your existing job search and make work resumethis is the one that you hand out. There are a lot of basic kinds of resumes used to make an application for job openings. When you make an application for a job there are a number of other candidates who desire to find the very same job and submit resume for the exact same. Alternatively, you should list your prior jobs in a manner that showcases what you brought to every position. Checklist uses arent only restricted to grocery items but can also be utilized in a range of interesting and beneficial ways. A resume introduction is the statement that you must make and put following your contact details. Resume writing templates are segregated into various types based on the profession and achievements of an individual. As a recommendation it is best to check examples and understand the essentials of the educatio n section. Whenever your deadline is tight, you will likely write us nervously write my essay and think well see what you need from 1 sentence. You may also Book Writing Template. Therefore, using resume writing templates offering sequential writing format will help you to get noticed.