Friday, December 27, 2019

Looking for this small sign is the key to spotting a psychopath in your office

Looking for this small sign is the key to spotting a psychopath in your officeLooking for this small sign is the key to spotting a psychopath in your officeWeve written about the signs you should look for if you suspect your coworker or boss is a psychopath. No empathy, out of this world confidence, thrill seekers, emotion mimickers, to name a few. But a new study has found a different way to spot a psychopath.This is a more physical sign. It is all in the eyes and it may be an easier way to help you identify a psychopath if you cant get your coworker to sit down and take the Hare Psychopathy Checklist (a voreingestellt scale used to measure potential psychopathy in adults) as that can be super awkward to bring up in the office kitchen.Thestudy,published in the journal Personality Disorders Theory, Research, and Treatment, looked at 82 malementally disordered offenders and analyzed how their pupils reacted to different visual stimuli includingimages of real-world scenes (some were pl easant images but others were quite graphic), auditory sound clips, and videos of dynamic facial expressions.The researchers found that the pupils of non-psychopaths dilated if the video or photo was disturbing, but this didnt occur in the psychopaths eyes.Its all in the eyesWhy does this matter? The size of your pupil says a lot about how you are feeling and what kind of person you are. Our eyes dilate when we see something upsetting, shocking, difficult to process or exciting.It is parte of our fight, flight or freeze response. That is why we see so many scary movie posters with wide-eyed scared faces (think Blair Witch Project, Scream.) Some experts believe that our eyes dilate when we are scared or worried so we can take in more visual information.Pupil dilation directly corresponds to arousal which is why pupillometry is very important in the study of psychopathy. So because the psychopaths in the experiment didnt experience dilation this means they didnt have a reaction to ups etting imagery and sounds which once again indicates that they dont have the same emotions as the rest of us. Psychopaths tend to have no empathy.Lead author of the study, Dr. Dan Burley, from Cardiff Universitys School of Psychology, saidOur findings provide physical evidence of an emotional deficit common to psychopathic offenders. Card sharks have learned to look carefully at the eyes of their opponents to gauge if they have a great hand, and many an astute salesperson knows to up their price if your eyes reveal your excitement at their product.Likewise, the pupil usually dilates when an image shocks or scares us.The fact that this muster physiological response to a threat is reduced in psychopathic offenders provides us with an obvious physical marker for this condition.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Beyoncés advice on how to manage your career

Beyoncs advice on how to manage your careerBeyoncs advice on how to manage your careerBeyonc Knowles-Carter is one of the biggest celebrities in the world and one of the tightest-lipped about it. The singer and geschftslebenwoman has carefully crafted her public persona and has leid given a print interview since 2013. Thats why it became an event on Monday when she finally gave her perspective on careers and motherhood in her own words for an as-told-to article with Clover Hope for the September issue of Vogue.As someone who has been auditioning for roles since she was eight years old, Beyonc has had a lifetime to build up career wisdom. Heres her words of advice we can apply to our own careersOn the unfair pressure to bounce back after motherhoodEven when youre a successful, rich celebrity like Beyonc, you are not immune from the outside societal pressure to bounce back from pregnancy and return to work quickly. This is a reality that the singer described After the birth of my first child, I believed in the things society said about how my body should look. I put pressure on myself to lose all the baby weight in three months, and scheduled a small tour to assure I would do it. Looking back, that was crazy.She said she approached her work differently after the emergency C-section she endured for the birth of her twins. After the C-section, my core felt different. It had been major surgery. Some of your organs are shifted temporarily, and in rare cases, removed temporarily during delivery. I am not sure everyone understands that. I needed time to heal, to recover, she said.Not only do people not understand the pressures new moms face many governments do not either. The U.S. is the only industrialized nation in the world that does not have paid family leave. Almost one in four working mothers return to work within two weeks of giving birth out of financial necessity, a report from In These Times found.On why mentorship mattersTo build a world you want to see, you have to use your position of power to lift up others alongside you. This is whyBeyonc said she mentors others.There are so many cultural and societal barriers to entry that I like to do what I can to level the playing field, to present a different point of view for people who may feel like their voices dont matter,she said.Imagine if someone hadnt given a chance to the brilliant women who came before me Josephine Baker, Nina Simone, Eartha Kitt, Aretha Franklin, Tina Turner, Diana Ross, Whitney Houston, and the list goes on.They opened the doors for me, and I pray that Im doing all I can to open doors for the next generation of talents, she said.On the wisdom of experienceFor those of us who have ever felt unsure about our path, it can be comforting to know that with the experience of age and hard experiences, you can grow into your powers, asBeyonc said she did.I have had disappointments in business partnerships as well as personal ones, and they all left me feeling neglected, los t, and vulnerable. Through it all I have learned to laugh and cry and grow, she said. I look at the woman I was in my 20s and I see a young lady growing into confidence but intent on pleasing everyone around her. I now feel so much more beautiful, so much sexier, so much more interesting. And so much more powerful.On the business advantage of diversityUntil there is a mosaic of perspectives coming from different ethnicities behind the lens, we will continue to have a narrow approach and view of what the world actually looks like, she said about why she agreed to work with23-year old photographer Tyler Mitchell, the first African American photographerto shoot the cover of American Vogue in the magazines 126-year-old history. If people in powerful positions continue to hire and cast only people who look like them, sound like them, come from the same neighborhoods they grew up in, they will never have a greater understanding of experiences different from their own. They will hire the s ame models, curate the same art, cast the same actors over and over again, and we will all lose.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

5 Ways to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile in Less Than an Hour

5 Ways to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile in Less Than an Hour5 Ways to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile in Less Than an HourIf youre still on the fence about LinkedIn, its time to jump off. A 2013 social recruiting survey byJobviteconcluded that LinkedIn is recruiters top social network of choice for hiring. Recruiters use it to search for and contact candidates, keep tabs on potential candidates and vet applicants prior to an interview. Your LinkedIn profile is just as important as your rsum. However, they are not the same thing and should be treated differently. There will be some crossover between the two, but your LinkedIn profile gives you the opportunity to create a mora substantial version of your rsum. You can include elements in your profile that you cannot fit or easily include in a standard da sagst du was or PDF rsum. Are you convinced yet that you need to build or update your LinkedIn profile? Here are five major fixes that will distinguish your profile from your rsuma ndtake you less than one hour to make. 1. Picture.Yes, you need one According to a 2012 study by TheLadders, recruiters spend 19 percent of their time on a candidates LinkedIn profile looking at the picture. That seems a bit funny, but it points to how important the photo really is. If you do not have a picture up, your profile may not get any attention at all. You do not need a professional photo. Pick one you like that doesnt have a distracting background. Its also best not to choose one taken from so far away that you appear to be a dot on the landscape. If you cant find a good photo, take a new one and upload it to your profile. 2. Headline.In addition to your photo, the headline is the first thing recruiters and connections will read. You have 120 characters to craft a headline that provides a unique professional description. If you just put your current job title or sales professional searching for new opportunities, its not going to do you any favors when recruiters search for candidates. Consider what you want for the next step of your career. Search for people on LinkedIn who are in that particular field. Orif youre looking for a role with increased responsibility in the same industry, search formore senior people in your field. Do you see any patterns among those headlines, like common keywords? You want to construct your headline so it demonstrates exactly who you want to be next.3. Summary.A summary is essential to a profile and doesnt have to be more than a few lines, although you can use up to 2,000 characters. Within that space, you should highlight your background, major accomplishments and your goals. Write it in first person and make it personal. The summary helps the recruiter get to know you beyond your rsum. Tell a brief story about why you love what you do or why you want to do something new. This is the way to stand out and make recruiters want to meet you. If you only use professional-speak and leave out your career story, recruit ers may lump you with the other applicants. If you are just starting out in your career, describe what made you choose the field youre targeting. Keywords are important to include here, too. They will help you get found by recruiters when they do general searches for candidates. 4. Publications.While you can add links to publications, interviews and other media in your rsum, they can be cumbersome. These are much more likely to be clicked on through LinkedIn, which has a section dedicated to publications. You can insert a link there or directly in the appropriate job section, or you can simply write the name and date of the publication if no link is available. The same can be done with interviews, podcasts or videos related to your professional and volunteer work. 5. Recommendations.Recommendations are vital to a solid LinkedIn profile. You can request a recommendation from a former colleague, client, professor or vendor easily through LinkedIn. When you do, include a brief personal note to the person asking for the recommendation instead of using the generic language LinkedIn provides. This makes it more personal and thus more likely the person will say yes. It will only take a few minutes. Just make sure youre asking someone you worked well with. You should aim to eventually have three or more recommendations, so you may want to send out a few requests if you have the time. At any time, you can edit your profile, add to your publications field, tweak your headline or summary or change your photo. These five elements of a LinkedIn profile are significant and can have a direct effect on whether youll be found in a recruiters search or called for an interview. Your rsum might be stunning, but if you dont have a LinkedIn profile, the recruiter may second guess that first impression. If youve filled out your profile and have a customized, concise rsum, you are much more likely to get called.Marcelle Yeageris the president ofCareer Valet, which delivers person alized career navigation services. Her goal is to enable people to recognize skills and job possibilities they didnt know they had to make a career change or progress in their current career. She worked for more than 10 years as a strategic communications consultant, including four years overseas. Marcelle holds an MBA from the University of Maryland.

Friday, December 13, 2019

6 Job Interview Stories From Hell

6 Job Interview Stories From Hell6 Job Interview Stories From HellWith job bewerbungsinterviews being so stressful, today we take a lighthearted look at the job interviews where everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. Both hiring managers and employees alike share stories of their job interviews from hell. Learn why you are notlage the only job candidate who had dealt with a crazy job interview or two.Negative Storiesfrom Hiring Managers1. Bringing your mom to an interviewAn HR manager for a market research firm had an awkward interview worthy of a television sitcom. A 19-year old seeking a position in customer service brought his mother to the interview. When the HR manager questioned why he brought mom along, the mother spoke up and offered this logicI am just making sure this is the right company for my son and that you are asking fair questions.The HR manager decided to play along. It was the most interesting thing that happened for a while. The HR manager asked the son ano ther interview question. Once again, the mom answered for him. When the HR manager politely asked the mom to leave she responded, I am not going anywhere.As expected, this ended the interview. After all, the job required critical thinking and problem-solving skills, none of which the son had shown. When the mom and son are told the interview was over, the mother told the HR manager to f*** off and expressed a lawsuit was coming.2. Giving way too much informationDuring an interview with an employer, a job candidate is asked the interview question, Why did you leave your belastung job? The question sounds simple enough. Then, the job candidate replies, I shot my last boss. The job candidate was on parole and told by his parole officer it is important to be honest.Honesty is a great policy, but so is discretion. 3. Nudity during a job interviewAs many jobs require when someone is looking to relocate for a job, a boss is interviewing a job candidate via Skype. All seems normal, at first . The job candidate is well-dressed and polite. He is answering questions and doing very well.Suddenly, a woman in her bathrobe appears in the hintergrund completely unaware that this boss can see her. She had just woken up, looked disheveled, and was drinking a cup of coffee while sitting on the sofa. The boss made light of this and asked the job candidate, Is that your wife in the background?The woman hears the question and becomes incredibly upset and embarrassed. Not knowing it is a job interview, she proceeds to yell at her husband occasionally slapping him on the head. As the boss asked, Is this a good time?the wife begins to yell at the boss, Keep your mouth shut Ill deal with you laterThe job candidate ended the Skype call, and neither the boss nor the company ever heard from him again.Negative Stories from Employees4. Insulting your colleague during an interviewWhile interviewing to work for a company that created an app to help people balance their budget, an employee is a sked to figure out a not-so-simple math problem involving return on investment (ROI). Unbeknownst to the job candidate, the founders of the company were a married couple and one of them (the husband) was not very good with numbers. The job candidate solved the math problem given to him.After giving his answer, the wife says, Finally. No one has answered this correctly all week and....The husband quickly jumps in and disagrees, No. He got the answer wrong. The answer is $4500.The wife fires back, You must be stupid. How did you ever arrive at that number?The husband gets even louder, YOU must be stupid Dont you know the formula for figuring out ROI or should I explain it again?This comment set the wife off. A rather loud argument ensued between the husband and wife for the next five minutes while the job candidate sat there wishing he was on another planet. This argument abruptly led to the wife walking out of the interview and the husband following after her.Eventually, the job cand idate became nervous, got up and left, letting the receptionist know that he had to leave. Later that day, the wife called the job candidate and apologized for putting the job candidate in that situation. The wife offered another chance to interview. The job candidate politely declined.5. Too much heat to handleA job candidate goes to an interview and all seemed as if this would be a great place to work. The people were nice, the commute was reasonable, and the salary was fair. This job candidate is answering questions like a proSuddenly, the fire alarm goes off. The receptionist pops her head in the room and says, Its a fire drill. We have to leave. The interview continues as they leave the building and the job candidate thinks she is earning points for dealing with adversity as cool as a cucumber.Then, as everyone stands outside waiting to go back in, they find out the building is really on fire. The job candidate agrees to come back later in the week.Unfortunately, the next day s he gets a call from the employer that the building had burned down and the office was being relocated to another state. Everyone who could not relocate lost their jobs and were given severance packages. The job was scrapped.6. Do you really want to work here?A job candidate sat down to interview, and the employer asked the common interview question, So, tell me...why do you want to work here?The job candidate began to give his best-rehearsed answer when suddenly the interviewer stops him. The interviewer asks, No. Really. Why in the world would you want to work here? What possessed you to apply for this position?Before the job candidate has a chance to speak, he receives a lecture from a supervisor explaining how he feels about the company. And it is not good. The last thing the job candidate remembers hearing is, You seem like a good person. After hearing what I told you I ask again why you want to work here.The job candidate thanked the interviewer for the information and said, Th ats ok. I dont want to anymore.At the end of the dayRegardless of all the job interview advice out there, both job candidates and employers are imperfect human beings. There is no reason a person should walk into an interview without confidence. Everyone at some point deals with something crazy in an interview. Treat every interview as if it were two professionals talking business a friendly conversation you have nothing to be worried about.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Hidden Facts Regarding Resume Templates Openoffice Uncovered by an Old Pro

The Hidden Facts Regarding Resume Templates Openoffice Uncovered by an Old Pro The Pain of Resume Templates Openoffice A possibility utilizing free resume templates is they arent professionally proofread. There are more than only a couple of pointers which you have to remember and fully adhere to when designing a resume even when youre employing a readymade template. The advantages of utilizing a template The obvious reason behind using a template is the way quickly and easily its possible to put your resume together. You will just need to select the very best template for the job youre applying for and then download it. Resume Templates Openoffice Unless specifically requested or unless youre asking for an on-camera position including your headshot is simply weird. Some encourage embellishment to produce the veneer of the ideal candidate, but I think its unnecessary and dishonest. Its very essential to comprehend the type of resumes preferred by the establishment that you n eed to work for. First impressions matter, even if it has to do with resumes. Details of Resume Templates Openoffice Microsoft has made it increasingly user-friendly Word. Developing a PDF version of your resume will enable you to prevent the problems of layout shifting. If you are searching for the very best free resume templates on the web to begin on, all you will need to do is to Google for it or even take the ones which you have on Microsoft Word or any typical aber sicher processing program. Moreover there are several resume templates Microsoft Word to select from it is really tough to land on that 1 link which will actually get the job done for you.The perfect way to earn a graph resume is using the Calc, thats the accompanying spreadsheet software in OpenOffice. Using Microsoft word to create a resume can be extremely straightforward but at the exact same time just a little bit sophisticated if you dont find out how to begin it. As youre at it, also make certain your resume format is suitable. Nevertheless, theres a difference and its helpful to understand when to compose a CV vs resume. With the emphasis put on your skills, the gaps arent as bedrngnisiceable. Odds are you may wind up excluding some critical locations and including others that arent that necessary. It is never too best to imagine you could find because many jobs where you wish to work just like it. You get the most recent jobs sent to your inbox. Resumes are being made for diverse reasons but its popular by many in seeking for employment. You are able to say thats quite opposite of functional resumes that are very traditional. What to Expect From Resume Templates Openoffice? Its difficult enough to find work. How to compose a simple resume isnt a question people ought to be asking. Either way, however, the tool you will need to set any work search going is a great resume. The templates offer you a simple time getting everything together. Resume Templates Openoff ice Secrets That No One Else Knows About Hence, utilizing a Professional Resume Template, an individual can create a great impression on the employer from the first stages. A professional resume template is simply the tool you will need to reveal prospective employers your qualifications. So go on and download word professional resume template and get prepared for the new job. Different types of Resume Templates Word 2003 There are various sorts of templates for resumes an individual may discover online. What Resume Templates Openoffice Is - and What it Is Not Make certain you save the file in a place it is simple to remember. If you locate a couple of templates whose designs you love, mix and match till you locate a format which works for getting your message across. Define your resume with a suitable expert logo and select a bold and chic colour or template to ensure you really stick out. A number of the templates are particular to given industries. The Honest to Goodness Truth on Resume Templates Openoffice The aim of your resume is to secure you the interview. It is often quite frustrating and tedious to create your resume from scratch, and theres every possibility that you might neglect to incorporate a few important element thats critical that you earn an interview. To compose a compelling, effective executive resume, you must start by not even considering the format youre going to be using. You can preview each one and decide on the one you would like to download.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Surviving the Adjustment Period of a New Manager

Surviving the Adjustment Period of a New Manager Managing is a tough job, especially for those leading a team for the first time. New managers infrequently receive any guidance at first and often cannot turn to their underlings since he or she is the one supposedly in charge and who has all of the answers. And while having a clueless manager is frustrating for the staff, it is equally difficult to the adjusting manager. In order to best understand the predicament your new manager finds him or herself in, take a step back and put yourself in your managers shoes and maybe discover some ways to adjust to your new babo. Think about your first steady, professional job. It is an exciting time but also nerve wracking while trying to adjust to a new environment with a new culture and established norms. Well, becoming a manager is a lot like that first professional experience. Entering the job, you know yo u are qualified and capable of performing the job, but you are also in the spotlight to prove your value to others. As a manager, you are expected to already be an expert at everything, even though that person may be experiencing scenarios never before encountered. Like any other role, managing people must be learned and learning takes time. Just because your new boss has the first-day jitters doesnt mean that he or she is not capable or competent.fruchtwein new employees can take some solace in the fact that they are expected to make some mistakes as they learn the ropes. But as a manager, that inherent learning curb no longer applies. Any mistakes made can have dire consequences and not only is the manager responsible for personal mistakes, but also those of the entire team. Needless to say, the stakes are very high leading to equally high anxiety. Understanding the pressures being exerted on your manager to get everything right may help you understand why he or she is so focused on perfection and sympathize with the plight.Asking questions is a part of any employees professional development, but, as a manager, you have to be very selective in the questions you ask. Since you are supposed to know everything about everything, appearing ignorant can lead to a loss in confidence from your team. But, when first starting out, no one can know all of the details understood by others who have been in place for years. And the difference between asking a question as a peon and as a manager is that managers have a very limited pool of people to whom he or she can turn for answers. Most managers avoid asking for help from underlings in order to avoid that potential loss in confidence, so helping your boss out by offering lessons on the daily functioning of the office can benefit both parties.When you have a better understanding of where your new manager is coming from, you can help create an environment where it is easier for him or her to find help when needed while al so building a good foundation for a quality professional relationship.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Papers Due Soon for Two Special Journal Issues

Papers Due Soon for Two Special Journal Issues Papers Due Soon for Two Special Journal Issues Papers Due Soon for Two Special Journal IssuesMarch 24, 2017 Authors who are interested in submitting papers for two upcoming special issues of the ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, which will cover topics related to grinding technology and enhanced process-machine interaction, should act now as the deadlines for both issues are just a week away.The first of the special issues, Grinding Technology - Commemorating the Scientific Contributions by Professor Stephen Malkin, will honor the significant contributions to the field of grinding technology by Prof. Malkin, an ASME Fellow and recipient of the Societys William T. Ennor Manufacturing Technology Award and Blackall Machine Tool and Gage Award. The editors of the special issue are seeking papers that review his work, are inspired by, or are based on his findings and the application of his theories.This speci al issue, which will be published in December 2017, will focus on how loose or fixed abrasive processes add value through enhanced product functionality, integrity, and sustainability. Researchers are also invited to submit papers covering new process design, simulation of physical mechanisms, and new applications possible through enhanced abrasive machining for the special issue.The guest editors for the issue are seeking papers addressing a variety of topics, including enhancement of product life or wertzuwachs through grinding grinding of ductile and brittle materials grinding of non-traditional materials such as biomaterials, high performance alloys, glasses and hard ceramics tribological effects grinding mechanics sustainability of grinding processes novel or hybrid grinding processes and multi-scale/multi-physics modeling and analysis of grinding and abrasive machining processes.A second special issue of the journal will concentrate on the subject of enhanced pro cess-machine interaction through design, tooling, automation, and modeling. The issue will include research in such areas as computer-assisted cutting tool and die-mold design and analysis, including prediction of force, torque, power, vibrations and structural deformations during machining and metal forming operations machine tools and metal forming presses design characteristics of high speed spindles, dynamics, and thermal issues design, control and optimization of high-performance feed drives and computer numerical control (CNC) tool-path generation.The issue, which is expected to be published in February 2018, will also cover virtual manufacturing, including simulation and optimization of machine tool motions for collision avoidance and energy consumption, material removal/addition considering process physics, machine tool dynamics and kinematics active control of machine tool vibrations machine tool metrology, surface metrology and tolerancing principles diamond t urning, fast tool servos, ultra-precision machining and machine tools and in-situ measurement of force, temperature, residual stress, vibration, part dimensions, and tool wear.The deadline to submit a manuscript for the special issue on grinding technology is March 31, while papers for the special issue on enhanced process-machine interactions are due April 1. For more information on the two special issues of Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, or to submit a paper, visit https//

Saturday, November 23, 2019

What to Say to Someone Who Hates Their Job - The Muse

What to Say to Someone Who Hates Their Job - The MuseWhat to Say to Someone Who Hates Their Job Youre not the only one who hates your job.There are plenty of times when its nice knowing youre not alone. But when you hate your job and are trying to express that to your friends, hearing this come out of someones mouth probably results in a lot of eye rolling. As a former card-carrying member of the My job sucks club, Ive heard this my fair share of times- and I have to tell you that it never, ever helped me to be reminded that lots of people arent fulfilled by their roles. So, to those well-meaning people out there who are guilty of offering this uplifting nugget, Ill walk you through why youre not helping at all No matter why your friends despise their 9-to-5- youre shutting down the conversation before the other part can tell you exactly whats going on.Throwing out this line is not only the furthest thing from helpful advice, but its also a good way to make someone whos asking for he lp feel as if you want nothing to do with the conversation. And unless youre a jerk who doesnt want to hear about how your friends feeling, this is probably something youd like to avoid.What should you say instead when a friend wont stop venting about how horrible everything thing is at the office? Well, it boils down to asking these three questions (in this order) Whats going on at work right now?Is this a new feeling, or has it been going on for a while?How open would you be to starting a job search?These might look like simple questions, and they are. But thats all it takes to give your friends the freedom to both fill you in on whats going on, while also giving you a little guidance as to where their head is at. For example, someone who answers number one by saying, We have this annoying client who keeps asking me for additional projects that he wont pay for probably just needs to complain for a bit. But a friend who says that, and then answers number two with, It feels like all of my clients are asking me for extra work, opens the door for you to say something like, Would speaking to your manager help? or Is the rest of your kollektiv working this hard? If the person looks at you and says My manager doesnt care and no one else on my team does either, bring up number three. But if you get through all of these questions and still cant come up with anything helpful, dont worry. From my own experience I know that sometimes folks just want to vent a little bit or have someone someone listen while they sort through their thoughts aloud (which asking these questions does). But one thing I never expected was for anyone to fix everything on the spot. Sometimes, by just being there, youre helping a lot more than you know.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

10 Best Paid Musicians in the World

10 Best Paid Musicians in the World10 Best Paid Musicians in the WorldBeing a professional musician is not as easy as you may think. Imagine being on tour for half a year, almost every night in different city. No doubt it is exhausting both physically and psychically. But if you end up in the same league as superstars mentioned below, you sure get nice financial reward in the end.source http// Toby Keith $65 mioThis may be a little surprise for non-american readers. Toby Keith is well known American country singer-songwriter, producer, actor and business man. His 2014 paycheck combines all of these activities. Need not to be mentioned that he is excellent at all of them.9. Calvin Harris $66 millionThis Scottish singer, songwriter and producer could be nicknamed the top-ten-hit-making-machine. He is one of the best paid DJs out there and produces hits for several biggest pop stars.8. Paul McCartney $71 millionPaul McCartney doesnt have to be introduced. He may be c onsidered one of the biggest music figures alive. In 2014 he played world tour. Its rumoured that he earned $3.5 million per city.7. One Direction $75 millionBackstreet Boys of the century? One Direction proves, that people all over the world still cant get enough of boy bands. This amount is earned by well paid live acts, commercials and their recent No.1 album Midnight Memories.6. Justin Bieber $80 millionIt seems like his behaviour doesnt affect his earnings. Justin Biebers last tour helped him earn the biggest paycheck of his career.5. Bruce Springsteen $81 millionThe Boss is famous for his high energy concerts. He has been performing since 1970s to the present. 2014 tour earned him roughly $4 million per show.4. Bon Jovi $82 millionPeople love shows of this American rock band, which showed up on their Because We Can Tour. They have grossed $250 million at the end of the tour.3. The Eagles $100 millionThe most successful music act of the 1970s. During their career they ea rned 5 number-one hits, 6 Grammy Awards, 5 American Music Awards and 6 number one albums. They earned a nice paycheck at the end of 2014 as well.2. Beyonc $115 millionConsidered as queen of pop. Beyonc earned this kind of money thanks to a surprise album Beyonc, The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour and commercial agreements with brands such as HM or Pepsi.1. Dr. Dre $620 millionAnd the winner is Dr. Dre. You sure heard about his verstndigung im strafverfahren with Apple. They purchased his Beats company for unbelievable $3 billion. He threw a huge party celebration after this deal was closed. No wonder, it made him the best earning musician of 2014.source http// you like this story? Share it with your friends.Share Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments